Hello & Welcome To Our Happy Space!

Made for anyone and everyone, our earrings are inspired to bring joy to those who wear them from our Little Lobes to our OTT ones! They are designed to make anyone feel like they can rock a pair anytime of the year! Most of our earrings are handmade by Cath & Georgia a mother/daughter duo on the Gold Coast and customs are our specialty. If you can’t find an earring to suit you, we will try and make you one!

Spread Love, Kindness & Happiness!

<3 Cath & Georgia

Market Life!

GC_CLAY love market life and we attend 3-4 markets each week! We bring more stock than advertised on our website which contain different shapes/colours and designs. We are trying to expand online and bring the goodies to everyone!

*Follow us on Instgram for latest market dates and locations!